9:08 AM
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Im a big fan of Cecilia Ahern.
Big Big Fan.
Stumbled into this website
when I was reading The Newspaper today.
Good positive reviews from others
prompted me to browse through
the website.
And to my amazement, they have
tonnes of books at good price!
I did not hesitate to purchase 1 book
after 10 mins of browsing! :)
If their delivery system is efficient,
I will sure to purchase more!!
Hopefully, ill get it before March holidays!
4:31 PM
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Random thought #01.
I wanted to cry when a boy accidentally
cut my hand with a scissors.
At first, it was because it was so painful.
I shouted, "OUCH! Painful!!"
I shouted not to scare him but
to tell him that his action had
hurt someone.
He, this "i-dont-care-about-others" boy,
showed me a shocked face.
He stopped playing with scissors and
said, "scotch tape. scotch tape."
And i know what he meant.
He wanted me to put plaster on my hand.
And, i got so touched.
My student does has a heart.
He was sorry for his playful actions.
I appreciate that, lil J. : )
Random Thought 2:
I like when someone gives me
a wake up call!
Each time it happened,
it brings me back to reality!
I guess a good scolding will do me some good!
Random Thought #3:
I miss having butterflies in my stomach.
Where my heart will goes
Can someone make my heart beats
that fast?
7:34 PM
Monday, February 21, 2011
I hate it, hate it, hate it
when I kept thinking of the past.
I was browsing through my inbox,
when I stumbled upon the emails,
emails with promises,
broken promises.
Why do u have to create such an impact on me?
Why do I have to be so weak?
How I wish someone can really
make me forget about the past?
Is there someone out there to help me?
11:09 PM
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I do find it surprisingly nice
to know although you have ended
your relationship with someone,
mutual friends made through the
past still keep in touch with me.
Awkward, but sweet to know
they still wanna know my well-being.
Anyway, to you.......
I may appear NOT to care,
but I do. I really do!!
8:18 PM
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Im thankful I had a good start this year.
Ive got a fulfilling job.
Teaching is my passion. It has always been. :)
Although at times, my students
can be really challenging,
I enjoy each moments with them.
Ive got accepted to NIE course.
Im glad my degree is over
so that I can focus on my NIE Diploma course.
Ive got good girlfriends who are
always there to have fun for me,
or to listen to my sad love stories
or to accompany me when
I need a shopping partner!!
Colleague, Marina is asking me to join
this **** dance class with her
and im thinking of joining!!
I aim to learn 1 or 2 new dance in 2011!
LOVE my job, gfs, dance class, Diploma course!!
Whats else is missing??
8:41 PM
Monday, February 14, 2011
Right after dismissal, I headed to the bookstore.
I was glad I managed to buy the LAST copy.
Aint I just plain lucky! :)
31 compiled stories on real life cases.
I scanned through the content page
and turned to page 66.
It was written by my idol, MP for Jalan
Besar GRC and also happens to be my boss.
She's always been my inspiration,
as she is woman of such strong characters.
She went all the way to prove to the
nation that Autistic students are
always mislabelled and misunderstood.
She was one of the co-founder of PL
and she's always giving us encouragements
and inspire us with her sincerity.
She's one of the reason I want
to serve the Special Ed groups.
Truly love reading this book.
It helps to open up my mind,
to know better what the children
are thinking.
On the side note, I had a good time
with J.T today.
He listened to me and managed to
do well in his English revision paper!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day too!!
7:59 PM
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I am ... unpredictable.
I am ... pessimistic.
I am ... overly sensitive.
I am ... unreasonable.
I am ... SUPER picky.
I am ... grumpy one minute, yet bubbly the next minute.
Despite me being all that, I am amaze
at your patience and understanding.
At times, I do know even know why
I behave such a manner.
For, I dont even understand myself at times.
I recalled complaining to you about my past
every single month for the past 2 years.
Yet, you listened and gave me your support,
telling me that one day, I will eventually
forget all about my unhappiness.
I can be very picky about you
not being punctual when 90% of the time I am late.
Such an irony.
I can be super grumpy, and just kept silent,
choosing not to talk.
But, you chose not to find fault,
and waited for me to cool down.
I guess I am simply difficult at times,
but I am touched with your sincerity,
always trying to learn about me,
always trying to avoid making me angry,
always be there to put a smile on my face.
Im sorry if I am difficult,
but i do appreciate your efforts!
From the bottom of my heart,
I appreciate all that and
thanks for your presence!
9:36 PM
Friday, February 11, 2011
How weird when a stranger
who kept bumping into you
at MRT platforms two years ago,
and by some weird chance,
found the person they bumped into
in online social networking, facebook.
Well well, MRT platforms do
remind me of Dharma & Greg.
Although i am all romantic and into
fairy tales, it does get abit freaky!!
And its not the first time, a stranger
send me such a funny message.
Telling me they have met me SEVERAL times.
8:27 PM
Cant wait for many many
holiday vacations with family and friends.
Cant wait for June's Chalet.
Cant wait for birthday bash in hotel in May.
Goodness, i am truly enjoying my life.
Since there's no one to pamper me,
I shall PAMPER myself
with good company of girlfriends.
7:58 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The worst feeling isn't being lonely;
it’s when that someone makes you feel special then
suddenly leaves you hanging &
you just have to pretend you don’t mind.
7:51 PM
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Ya Allah,
do give me the strength to manage
my dearest challenging J.T.
Although its just one month, we
have build this bond and even though
his mind is developing and may be
difficult at times, I hope I have the patience
and strength to transform him, one way or
another. Amin.
10:25 PM
Friday, February 4, 2011
A good time with family.
But now, Im just so tired and sleepy.
Looks like I CANT wake up early
to go gym.
Ain, I promise you we shall go
gym + a game of badminton
all on Sunday's morning! :(
11:41 PM
Thursday, February 3, 2011
CNY 2011 - Day one - Kimchi Outing
I was grumbling and complaining because
I was so lazy to go out and part
of me was slightly affected by old memories.
So, I was really hesitating to go out today.
Wasnt at my best mood initially
but kimchi soup lifted up my mood!
And most importantly, a good company
who never ever fails to make me laugh
and to endure my bad temper
makes my day!
THANK YOU hor. :)
Old pictures of last month.
Had a blast @ Ain's chalet!
I love these girls to pieces.
Now now, looking forward to have
a good time @ Fullerton Hotel
this Saturday! :)
1:31 PM
Although I do not celebrate CNY,
from what I can remember I always enjoy
myself on CNY every single year with loved ones.
But there was one year which I will always remember.
Only on the 1st day of CNY, you will noticed
that those busy places like town areas
will be transformed into a haunted town.
You will rarely see any passerby and the
only shop open is Macdonald and KFC.
There was this one year, where someone
secretly brought me to One George Street.
We sneaked into the building and we
make ourselves to one of the storey
where the scenery overlooks the whole of Raffles.
It was magical.
I was indeed mesmerized with the gorgeous scenery.
And best of all, we were surrounded by indoor pool.
It was one of the best CNY memory I had.
I just realized that I dont fall in love so easily.
Yet, when I fall in love with someone,
it will be forever.
Even I know I fall for the wrong person,
I just felt trapped in this emotions
and how much I tried to struggle to be free,
all the memories are still etched to my heart.
I dont know whether I could ever fall
for someone else ever again.
You may think its silly.
Even I think its foolish to be still
feeling this way.
How stupid could I be?
6:01 PM
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My flu is back again,
but this time round I just feel so weak.
I guess when our immunization is low,
you really don't have the energy to
deal with your students.
Its time for me to recharge my body
this long holiday and
be back to work with my
enthusiasm and energy!
Lately, I get worked out easily.
I tend to be offended when others
say the wrong things to me.
I guess I am really short-tempered.
Something I have been trying to curb
and control.
Or perhaps I am a perfectionist.
Or perhaps I'm just too sensitive.
I feel that we must be careful
with words we use with others.
But, I guess as humans,
we tend to blurt out words
that may tend to hurt others.
In conclusion, I feel I gotta
be more patience and forgiving
when others say the wrong things.
Its one flaw I have always been trying
to work on and hopefully,
I'll be able to work on my flaw
more this year.