My manager is rather cute.
Persuading me to stay.
And today, he asked me to share his salad.
I had to trickily avoid eating his salad
from the same bowl.
Sometimes, aunties / ah-peks/ aunties
at work can be rather cute.
Few actually thought im an ang-moh.
One especially weird conversation with
this cute auntie and we spoke in mandarin
throughout the whole conversation!
Auntie: Woah, Gal! You so pretty. Your 'fu-ing mu-jing'
is mixed caucasian huh??
Rina: Haha! No la, auntie! Im a malay, u know!!
Auntie while touching my hand ...
Auntie: Woah!!! Ure so pretty. Got boyfriend??
Rina: Hmmm.. * Blushing* Yap, I do have . . . .
Auntie : *Looking sad* Thought of matchmaking you with someone
Rina : How many son(s) you have ??
Auntie : Oh, was thinking of introducing you to my nephew. He's
staying in America. He has a business there!
Rina : Oh! Ok......
Auntie: Ok, Thank you... Auntie go back already...
Then, I looked at her record.
It stated , " History of application of Permanently Incacipated/ Unsound Mind"
Now now people, Which of those two do you think she's under?
Go. Figure!