I'm a mommy now!
Baby Bump Week 39!
Oh yeah... 10 months came and went just like that!
It was nice carrying Baby S for the past 10 months.
Motherhood does not starts when baby is born.
Motherhood starts when pregnancy starts.
It was a priceless experience for me.
Each time I saw baby via sonogram,
I felt so comforted and assured.
Each time, I felt baby's kicks,
I felt that we are communicating in our own way.
To see my tummy getting bigger and bigger every month was a
sign that im closer to having baby in my arms.
4th October 2015.
My water bag broke.
I was excited, anxious and clueless.
I woke hubby about an hour later.
Now, from one anxious person, it became two.
I tried to calm down and continue sleeping.
But, water bag kept leaking.
Told my parents about it.
And, they got super excited and wanted to send me to the hospital straight away.
I called my doula to inform her and we managed to stall time at home.
We did all we could to get the contractions started.
At 9pm, I "checked" into my room.
Contractions became stronger and regular.
I kept walking and did some comfort measures movements to ease the pain.
Although I was in pain, i told myself to be strong.
The pain continued from 10pm to about 7am.
And then, the contractions became worse.
I was so exhausted by then. I asked for pain relief.
And by 3pm, I was fully dilated.
I was getting excited! Baby is coming out soon.
But, baby S is a shy baby.
Took her 5 hours to be out.
And by 8.27pm, I was carrying her in my arms.
MasyaAllah, she is so pretty.
She .... is my daughter.
My one and only beloved daughter.
Amin Amin ya Rabbal Ya Amin.
I was wheeled back to
my room.
And, was welcomed
by my family members.
It was an
exhausting, yet memorable labour.
I salute all
mommies out there who have given birth.
Labour is no joke.
For someone like
me, with low pain threshold,
Im amazed I have
all the strength to go through this experience.
God has made it
easier for me.
God has given me
the strength to be strong.
Ya Allah, thank you
for everything.
For answering my
Each time I think
of my labour, I will be emotionally overwhelmed.
I am also thankful
for the support given to me by my hubby, doula (Kak Fauziah)
and family members.
2 of my greatest love.
Hubby, thank you for your endless support, encouragement and
I wont be able to go through this pregnancy and labour without
Baby S, mommy is not perfect.
Mommy is learning to be a good mommy to you.
Forgive mommy for my flaws.
Thank you for entering my life.
Let's begin this journey together and create wonderful
Dear Precious,
The real countdown starts now!
We are just few weeks away from seeing you!
Mommy is feeling excited and anxious all at the same time.
The past 9 months have been fantastic.
Seeing you via ultrasound, the kicks, the movements,
and mommy putting on lots of weight!
The feeling is surreal and amazing!!
I wonder how labour will be like for me.
So many stories from different mommies.
Honestly, I am pretty scared as my pain threshold is rather low.
But, mommy is blessed to have such a wonderful doula and
amazing colleagues who have been encouraging me and motivating me
that everything will turn out well.
I love getting positive vibes from positive people.
Daddy has been very sweet and helpful too.
He's been giving us TLC throughout this 9 months.
So, dear precious, remember to give daddy a big hug and wet kisses to him
when you're out! Heheh..
Mommy's students are also very excited to see you.
On teacher's day, you received lots of presents too from them!
Arent they sweet!!
All these amazing things are all given to us by Allah swt.
I am thankful to be given this experience and wonderful blessings.
May mommy's delivery be a smooth, fast and painless one.
With lots of love,